Blog — 20s Style
10 Vintage Fashion Tidbits you Didn't Know you Needed to Know
Posted by Miss Chloe on

It’s probably safe to say that we’re all here because we love genuine and/or reproduction vintage fashion, right? But have you ever wondered how the things we wear and the features of our outfits we rely on day-to-day came about? How did we end up with tiny, fiddly zips to seamlessly fasten our dresses, or laces for our shoes? What even is a dart, and why were (or are if you’re a vintage lover) people so obsessed with petticoats? These are just a few of the questions that researching items, writing product descriptions, and exploring the rails at our Gosport...
- Tags: 1930s, 20s Style, 30s style, 40s style, 50s style, accessories, Blog Post, cotton, dresses, Dresses with pockets, eco friendly, full skirt, gosport, hampshire, pockets, portsmouth, retro, retro style, shop local, Silk, small business, vintage fashion, vintage history, vintage style
A Quick Guide to Necklaces!
Posted by Miss Laura on

What Necklace Length should I choose? You’ve no doubt seen that we have a dazzling array of vintage style and semi-fine necklaces to browse both in-store and online, and we always try to include the length and adjustability where we can. But do you find these measurement numbers are a bit baffling? For starters, there’s a range of necklace lengths in general, and some places may include names for each rough length, as detailed in this handy table: Chain Length (Inches) Body Placement 14” Collar: Wraps around the throat/neck 16” Choker or Bib: Against the base of the throat/neck...
- Tags: 20s Style, 40s style, 50s style, accessories, accessorising, Acryllic, Agate, alverstoke, Art Deco, Big Metal London, Blog Post, Curvy Girls, Esa Evans, everybody welcome, gosport, hampshire, Jewellery, necklace, retro, retro style, Rosie Fox, shop local, small business, vintage fashion, vintage style, voluptuous vintage, VV Tips